Sep 29 2010
Travel Tip Tuesday – Homeland Security’s Secure Flight Program
Homeland Security’s Secure Flight Program
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has introduced its new Secure Flight Program. This new program could impact the way you make your air travel reservations.
The Secure Flight program transfers the government “watch list” matching responsibilities from the airlines to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). While this is a behind-the-scenes process that TSA so small differences in name should not cause any major issues, it is a good idea to make sure all your information is as correct as possible.
What does this mean for travelers?
Starting November 1st 2010, passengers traveling to any U.S. city or flying over U.S. Airspace must provide full Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD). This means in addition to their full name, all passengers must now provide their gender, and date of birth when booking a ticket.
Travelers who have been previously misidentified can apply for a redress number at the Department of Homeland Secuirty website. The Redress number should help prevent delays for misidentified passengers who share a name with someone on the “No Fly List.”
Further information and a series of FAQ’s about the new rules are available at the TSA website search for “Secure Flight.”